Source code for binance.streams

import asyncio
import gzip
import json
import logging
import time
from asyncio import sleep
from enum import Enum
from random import random
from socket import gaierror
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Callable, Any

import websockets as ws
from websockets.exceptions import ConnectionClosedError

from .client import AsyncClient
from .enums import FuturesType
from .exceptions import BinanceWebsocketUnableToConnect
from .enums import ContractType
from .helpers import get_loop
from .threaded_stream import ThreadedApiManager

KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60  # 5 minutes

[docs]class WSListenerState(Enum): INITIALISING = 'Initialising' STREAMING = 'Streaming' RECONNECTING = 'Reconnecting' EXITING = 'Exiting'
[docs]class BinanceSocketType(str, Enum): SPOT = 'Spot' USD_M_FUTURES = 'USD_M_Futures' COIN_M_FUTURES = 'Coin_M_Futures' OPTIONS = 'Vanilla_Options' ACCOUNT = 'Account'
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, path: Optional[str] = None, prefix: str = 'ws/', is_binary: bool = False, exit_coro=None ): self._loop = get_loop() self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._path = path self._url = url self._exit_coro = exit_coro self._prefix = prefix self._reconnects = 0 self._is_binary = is_binary self._conn = None self._socket = None Optional[ws.WebSocketClientProtocol] = None # type: ignore self.ws_state = WSListenerState.INITIALISING self._queue = asyncio.Queue() self._handle_read_loop = None
async def __aenter__(self): await self.connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._exit_coro: await self._exit_coro(self._path) self.ws_state = WSListenerState.EXITING if if self._conn and hasattr(self._conn, 'protocol'): await self._conn.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = None if not self._handle_read_loop: self._log.error("CANCEL read_loop") await self._kill_read_loop()
[docs] async def connect(self): await self._before_connect() assert self._path ws_url = self._url + self._prefix + self._path self._conn = ws.connect(ws_url, close_timeout=0.1) # type: ignore try: = await self._conn.__aenter__() except: # noqa await self._reconnect() return self.ws_state = WSListenerState.STREAMING self._reconnects = 0 await self._after_connect() # To manage the "cannot call recv while another coroutine is already waiting for the next message" if not self._handle_read_loop: self._handle_read_loop = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(asyncio.create_task, self._read_loop())
async def _kill_read_loop(self): self.ws_state = WSListenerState.EXITING while self._handle_read_loop: await sleep(0.1) async def _before_connect(self): pass async def _after_connect(self): pass def _handle_message(self, evt): if self._is_binary: try: evt = gzip.decompress(evt) except (ValueError, OSError): return None try: return json.loads(evt) except ValueError: self._log.debug(f'error parsing evt json:{evt}') return None async def _read_loop(self): try: while True: try: while self.ws_state == WSListenerState.RECONNECTING: await self._run_reconnect() if self.ws_state == WSListenerState.EXITING: self._log.debug(f"_read_loop {self._path} break for {self.ws_state}") break elif == ws.protocol.State.CLOSING: # type: ignore await asyncio.sleep(0.1) continue elif == ws.protocol.State.CLOSED: # type: ignore await self._reconnect() elif self.ws_state == WSListenerState.STREAMING: assert res = await asyncio.wait_for(, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) res = self._handle_message(res) if res: if self._queue.qsize() < self.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: await self._queue.put(res) else: self._log.debug(f"Queue overflow {self.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}. Message not filled") await self._queue.put({ 'e': 'error', 'm': 'Queue overflow. Message not filled' }) raise BinanceWebsocketUnableToConnect except asyncio.TimeoutError: self._log.debug(f"no message in {self.TIMEOUT} seconds") # _no_message_received_reconnect except asyncio.CancelledError as e: self._log.debug(f"cancelled error {e}") break except asyncio.IncompleteReadError as e: self._log.debug(f"incomplete read error ({e})") except ConnectionClosedError as e: self._log.debug(f"connection close error ({e})") except gaierror as e: self._log.debug(f"DNS Error ({e})") except BinanceWebsocketUnableToConnect as e: self._log.debug(f"BinanceWebsocketUnableToConnect ({e})") break except Exception as e: self._log.debug(f"Unknown exception ({e})") continue finally: self._handle_read_loop = None # Signal the coro is stopped self._reconnects = 0 async def _run_reconnect(self): await self.before_reconnect() if self._reconnects < self.MAX_RECONNECTS: reconnect_wait = self._get_reconnect_wait(self._reconnects) self._log.debug( f"websocket reconnecting. {self.MAX_RECONNECTS - self._reconnects} reconnects left - " f"waiting {reconnect_wait}" ) await asyncio.sleep(reconnect_wait) await self.connect() else: self._log.error(f'Max reconnections {self.MAX_RECONNECTS} reached:') # Signal the error await self._queue.put({ 'e': 'error', 'm': 'Max reconnect retries reached' }) raise BinanceWebsocketUnableToConnect
[docs] async def recv(self): res = None while not res: try: res = await asyncio.wait_for(self._queue.get(), timeout=self.TIMEOUT) except asyncio.TimeoutError: self._log.debug(f"no message in {self.TIMEOUT} seconds") return res
async def _wait_for_reconnect(self): while self.ws_state != WSListenerState.STREAMING and self.ws_state != WSListenerState.EXITING: await sleep(0.1) def _get_reconnect_wait(self, attempts: int) -> int: expo = 2 ** attempts return round(random() * min(self.MAX_RECONNECT_SECONDS, expo - 1) + 1)
[docs] async def before_reconnect(self): if and self._conn: await self._conn.__aexit__(None, None, None) = None self._reconnects += 1
def _no_message_received_reconnect(self): self._log.debug('No message received, reconnecting') self.ws_state = WSListenerState.RECONNECTING async def _reconnect(self): self.ws_state = WSListenerState.RECONNECTING
[docs]class KeepAliveWebsocket(ReconnectingWebsocket):
[docs] def __init__( self, client: AsyncClient, url, keepalive_type, prefix='ws/', is_binary=False, exit_coro=None, user_timeout=None ): super().__init__(path=None, url=url, prefix=prefix, is_binary=is_binary, exit_coro=exit_coro) self._keepalive_type = keepalive_type self._client = client self._user_timeout = user_timeout or KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT self._timer = None
async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._path: return if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() self._timer = None await super().__aexit__(*args, **kwargs) async def _before_connect(self): if not self._path: self._path = await self._get_listen_key() async def _after_connect(self): self._start_socket_timer() def _start_socket_timer(self): self._timer = self._loop.call_later( self._user_timeout, lambda: asyncio.create_task(self._keepalive_socket()) ) async def _get_listen_key(self): if self._keepalive_type == 'user': listen_key = await self._client.stream_get_listen_key() elif self._keepalive_type == 'margin': # cross-margin listen_key = await self._client.margin_stream_get_listen_key() elif self._keepalive_type == 'futures': listen_key = await self._client.futures_stream_get_listen_key() elif self._keepalive_type == 'coin_futures': listen_key = await self._client.futures_coin_stream_get_listen_key() else: # isolated margin # Passing symbol for isolated margin listen_key = await self._client.isolated_margin_stream_get_listen_key(self._keepalive_type) return listen_key async def _keepalive_socket(self): try: listen_key = await self._get_listen_key() if listen_key != self._path: self._log.debug("listen key changed: reconnect") self._path = listen_key await self._reconnect() else: self._log.debug("listen key same: keepalive") if self._keepalive_type == 'user': await self._client.stream_keepalive(self._path) elif self._keepalive_type == 'margin': # cross-margin await self._client.margin_stream_keepalive(self._path) elif self._keepalive_type == 'futures': await self._client.futures_stream_keepalive(self._path) elif self._keepalive_type == 'coin_futures': await self._client.futures_coin_stream_keepalive(self._path) else: # isolated margin # Passing symbol for isolated margin await self._client.isolated_margin_stream_keepalive(self._keepalive_type, self._path) except Exception: pass # Ignore finally: self._start_socket_timer()
[docs]class BinanceSocketManager: STREAM_URL = 'wss://stream.binance.{}:9443/' STREAM_TESTNET_URL = 'wss://' FSTREAM_URL = 'wss://fstream.binance.{}/' FSTREAM_TESTNET_URL = 'wss://' DSTREAM_URL = 'wss://dstream.binance.{}/' DSTREAM_TESTNET_URL = 'wss://' VSTREAM_URL = 'wss://vstream.binance.{}/' VSTREAM_TESTNET_URL = 'wss://testnetws.binanceops.{}/' WEBSOCKET_DEPTH_5 = '5' WEBSOCKET_DEPTH_10 = '10' WEBSOCKET_DEPTH_20 = '20'
[docs] def __init__(self, client: AsyncClient, user_timeout=KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT): """Initialise the BinanceSocketManager :param client: Binance API client :type client: binance.AsyncClient """ self.STREAM_URL = self.STREAM_URL.format(client.tld) self.FSTREAM_URL = self.FSTREAM_URL.format(client.tld) self.DSTREAM_URL = self.DSTREAM_URL.format(client.tld) self.VSTREAM_URL = self.VSTREAM_URL.format(client.tld) self.VSTREAM_TESTNET_URL = self.VSTREAM_TESTNET_URL.format(client.tld) self._conns = {} self._loop = get_loop() self._client = client self._user_timeout = user_timeout self.testnet = self._client.testnet
def _get_stream_url(self, stream_url: Optional[str] = None): if stream_url: return stream_url stream_url = self.STREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.STREAM_TESTNET_URL return stream_url def _get_socket( self, path: str, stream_url: Optional[str] = None, prefix: str = 'ws/', is_binary: bool = False, socket_type: BinanceSocketType = BinanceSocketType.SPOT ) -> ReconnectingWebsocket: conn_id = f'{socket_type}_{path}' if conn_id not in self._conns: self._conns[conn_id] = ReconnectingWebsocket( path=path, url=self._get_stream_url(stream_url), prefix=prefix, exit_coro=lambda p: self._exit_socket(f'{socket_type}_{p}'), is_binary=is_binary, ) return self._conns[conn_id] def _get_account_socket( self, path: str, stream_url: Optional[str] = None, prefix: str = 'ws/', is_binary: bool = False ): conn_id = f'{BinanceSocketType.ACCOUNT}_{path}' if conn_id not in self._conns: self._conns[conn_id] = KeepAliveWebsocket( client=self._client, url=self._get_stream_url(stream_url), keepalive_type=path, prefix=prefix, exit_coro=self._exit_socket, is_binary=is_binary, user_timeout=self._user_timeout ) return self._conns[conn_id] def _get_futures_socket(self, path: str, futures_type: FuturesType, prefix: str = 'stream?streams='): socket_type: BinanceSocketType = BinanceSocketType.USD_M_FUTURES if futures_type == FuturesType.USD_M: stream_url = self.FSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.FSTREAM_TESTNET_URL else: stream_url = self.DSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.DSTREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_socket(path, stream_url, prefix, socket_type=socket_type) def _get_options_socket(self, path: str, prefix: str = 'ws/'): stream_url = self.VSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.VSTREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_socket(path, stream_url, prefix, is_binary=True, socket_type=BinanceSocketType.OPTIONS) async def _exit_socket(self, path: str): await self._stop_socket(path)
[docs] def depth_socket(self, symbol: str, depth: Optional[str] = None, interval: Optional[int] = None): """Start a websocket for symbol market depth returning either a diff or a partial book :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param depth: optional Number of depth entries to return, default None. If passed returns a partial book instead of a diff :type depth: str :param interval: optional interval for updates, default None. If not set, updates happen every second. Must be 0, None (1s) or 100 (100ms) :type interval: int :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Partial Message Format .. code-block:: python { "lastUpdateId": 160, # Last update ID "bids": [ # Bids to be updated [ "0.0024", # price level to be updated "10", # quantity [] # ignore ] ], "asks": [ # Asks to be updated [ "0.0026", # price level to be updated "100", # quantity [] # ignore ] ] } Diff Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "depthUpdate", # Event type "E": 123456789, # Event time "s": "BNBBTC", # Symbol "U": 157, # First update ID in event "u": 160, # Final update ID in event "b": [ # Bids to be updated [ "0.0024", # price level to be updated "10", # quantity [] # ignore ] ], "a": [ # Asks to be updated [ "0.0026", # price level to be updated "100", # quantity [] # ignore ] ] } """ socket_name = symbol.lower() + '@depth' if depth and depth != '1': socket_name = f'{socket_name}{depth}' if interval: if interval in [0, 100]: socket_name = f'{socket_name}@{interval}ms' else: raise ValueError("Websocket interval value not allowed. Allowed values are [0, 100]") return self._get_socket(socket_name)
[docs] def kline_socket(self, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE): """Start a websocket for symbol kline data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param interval: Kline interval, default KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE :type interval: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "kline", # event type "E": 1499404907056, # event time "s": "ETHBTC", # symbol "k": { "t": 1499404860000, # start time of this bar "T": 1499404919999, # end time of this bar "s": "ETHBTC", # symbol "i": "1m", # interval "f": 77462, # first trade id "L": 77465, # last trade id "o": "0.10278577", # open "c": "0.10278645", # close "h": "0.10278712", # high "l": "0.10278518", # low "v": "17.47929838", # volume "n": 4, # number of trades "x": false, # whether this bar is final "q": "1.79662878", # quote volume "V": "2.34879839", # volume of active buy "Q": "0.24142166", # quote volume of active buy "B": "13279784.01349473" # can be ignored } } """ path = f'{symbol.lower()}@kline_{interval}' return self._get_socket(path)
[docs] def kline_futures_socket(self, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M, contract_type: ContractType = ContractType.PERPETUAL): """Start a websocket for symbol kline data for the perpeual futures stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param interval: Kline interval, default KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE :type interval: str :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :param contract_type: use PERPETUAL or CURRENT_QUARTER or NEXT_QUARTER default PERPETUAL :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e":"continuous_kline", // Event type "E":1607443058651, // Event time "ps":"BTCUSDT", // Pair "ct":"PERPETUAL" // Contract type "k":{ "t":1607443020000, // Kline start time "T":1607443079999, // Kline close time "i":"1m", // Interval "f":116467658886, // First trade ID "L":116468012423, // Last trade ID "o":"18787.00", // Open price "c":"18804.04", // Close price "h":"18804.04", // High price "l":"18786.54", // Low price "v":"197.664", // volume "n": 543, // Number of trades "x":false, // Is this kline closed? "q":"3715253.19494", // Quote asset volume "V":"184.769", // Taker buy volume "Q":"3472925.84746", //Taker buy quote asset volume "B":"0" // Ignore } } <pair>_<contractType>@continuousKline_<interval> """ path = f'{symbol.lower()}_{contract_type.value}@continuousKline_{interval}' return self._get_futures_socket(path, prefix='ws/', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def miniticker_socket(self, update_time: int = 1000): """Start a miniticker websocket for all trades This is not in the official Binance api docs, but this is what feeds the right column on a ticker page on Binance. :param update_time: time between callbacks in milliseconds, must be 1000 or greater :type update_time: int :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python [ { 'e': '24hrMiniTicker', # Event type 'E': 1515906156273, # Event time 's': 'QTUMETH', # Symbol 'c': '0.03836900', # close 'o': '0.03953500', # open 'h': '0.04400000', # high 'l': '0.03756000', # low 'v': '147435.80000000', # volume 'q': '5903.84338533' # quote volume } ] """ return self._get_socket(f'!miniTicker@arr@{update_time}ms')
[docs] def trade_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for symbol trade data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "trade", # Event type "E": 123456789, # Event time "s": "BNBBTC", # Symbol "t": 12345, # Trade ID "p": "0.001", # Price "q": "100", # Quantity "b": 88, # Buyer order Id "a": 50, # Seller order Id "T": 123456785, # Trade time "m": true, # Is the buyer the market maker? "M": true # Ignore. } """ return self._get_socket(symbol.lower() + '@trade')
[docs] def aggtrade_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for symbol trade data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "aggTrade", # event type "E": 1499405254326, # event time "s": "ETHBTC", # symbol "a": 70232, # aggregated tradeid "p": "0.10281118", # price "q": "8.15632997", # quantity "f": 77489, # first breakdown trade id "l": 77489, # last breakdown trade id "T": 1499405254324, # trade time "m": false, # whether buyer is a maker "M": true # can be ignored } """ return self._get_socket(symbol.lower() + '@aggTrade')
[docs] def aggtrade_futures_socket(self, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a websocket for aggregate symbol trade data for the futures stream :param symbol: required :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "aggTrade", // Event type "E": 123456789, // Event time "s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol "a": 5933014, // Aggregate trade ID "p": "0.001", // Price "q": "100", // Quantity "f": 100, // First trade ID "l": 105, // Last trade ID "T": 123456785, // Trade time "m": true, // Is the buyer the market maker? } """ return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + '@aggTrade', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def symbol_miniticker_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for a symbol's miniTicker data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "24hrMiniTicker", // Event type "E": 123456789, // Event time "s": "BNBBTC", // Symbol "c": "0.0025", // Close price "o": "0.0010", // Open price "h": "0.0025", // High price "l": "0.0010", // Low price "v": "10000", // Total traded base asset volume "q": "18" // Total traded quote asset volume } """ return self._get_socket(symbol.lower() + '@miniTicker')
[docs] def symbol_ticker_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for a symbol's ticker data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "24hrTicker", # Event type "E": 123456789, # Event time "s": "BNBBTC", # Symbol "p": "0.0015", # Price change "P": "250.00", # Price change percent "w": "0.0018", # Weighted average price "x": "0.0009", # Previous day's close price "c": "0.0025", # Current day's close price "Q": "10", # Close trade's quantity "b": "0.0024", # Best bid price "B": "10", # Bid bid quantity "a": "0.0026", # Best ask price "A": "100", # Best ask quantity "o": "0.0010", # Open price "h": "0.0025", # High price "l": "0.0010", # Low price "v": "10000", # Total traded base asset volume "q": "18", # Total traded quote asset volume "O": 0, # Statistics open time "C": 86400000, # Statistics close time "F": 0, # First trade ID "L": 18150, # Last trade Id "n": 18151 # Total number of trades } """ return self._get_socket(symbol.lower() + '@ticker')
[docs] def ticker_socket(self): """Start a websocket for all ticker data By default all markets are included in an array. :param coro: callback function to handle messages :type coro: function :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python [ { 'F': 278610, 'o': '0.07393000', 's': 'BCCBTC', 'C': 1509622420916, 'b': '0.07800800', 'l': '0.07160300', 'h': '0.08199900', 'L': 287722, 'P': '6.694', 'Q': '0.10000000', 'q': '1202.67106335', 'p': '0.00494900', 'O': 1509536020916, 'a': '0.07887800', 'n': 9113, 'B': '1.00000000', 'c': '0.07887900', 'x': '0.07399600', 'w': '0.07639068', 'A': '2.41900000', 'v': '15743.68900000' } ] """ return self._get_socket('!ticker@arr')
[docs] def index_price_socket(self, symbol: str, fast: bool = True): """Start a websocket for a symbol's futures mark price :param symbol: required :param fast: use faster or 1s default :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "indexPriceUpdate", // Event type "E": 1591261236000, // Event time "i": "BTCUSD", // Pair "p": "9636.57860000", // Index Price } """ stream_name = '@indexPrice@1s' if fast else '@indexPrice' return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + stream_name, futures_type=FuturesType.COIN_M)
[docs] def futures_depth_socket(self, symbol: str, depth: str = '10', futures_type=FuturesType.USD_M): """Subscribe to a futures depth data stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param depth: optional Number of depth entries to return, default 10. :type depth: str :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M """ return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + '@depth' + str(depth), futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def symbol_mark_price_socket(self, symbol: str, fast: bool = True, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a websocket for a symbol's futures mark price :param symbol: required :param fast: use faster or 1s default :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "e": "markPriceUpdate", // Event type "E": 1562305380000, // Event time "s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol "p": "11185.87786614", // Mark price "r": "0.00030000", // Funding rate "T": 1562306400000 // Next funding time } """ stream_name = '@markPrice@1s' if fast else '@markPrice' return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + stream_name, futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def all_mark_price_socket(self, fast: bool = True, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a websocket for all futures mark price data By default all symbols are included in an array. :param fast: use faster or 1s default :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python [ { "e": "markPriceUpdate", // Event type "E": 1562305380000, // Event time "s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol "p": "11185.87786614", // Mark price "r": "0.00030000", // Funding rate "T": 1562306400000 // Next funding time } ] """ stream_name = '!markPrice@arr@1s' if fast else '!markPrice@arr' return self._get_futures_socket(stream_name, futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def symbol_ticker_futures_socket(self, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a websocket for a symbol's ticker data By default all markets are included in an array. :param symbol: required :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise .. code-block:: python [ { "u":400900217, // order book updateId "s":"BNBUSDT", // symbol "b":"25.35190000", // best bid price "B":"31.21000000", // best bid qty "a":"25.36520000", // best ask price "A":"40.66000000" // best ask qty } ] """ return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + '@bookTicker', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def individual_symbol_ticker_futures_socket(self, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a futures websocket for a single symbol's ticker data :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise .. code-block:: python { "e": "24hrTicker", // Event type "E": 123456789, // Event time "s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol "p": "0.0015", // Price change } """ return self._get_futures_socket(symbol.lower() + '@ticker', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def all_ticker_futures_socket(self, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a websocket for all ticker data By default all markets are included in an array. :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python [ { "u":400900217, // order book updateId "s":"BNBUSDT", // symbol "b":"25.35190000", // best bid price "B":"31.21000000", // best bid qty "a":"25.36520000", // best ask price "A":"40.66000000" // best ask qty } ] """ return self._get_futures_socket('!bookTicker', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def symbol_book_ticker_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for the best bid or ask's price or quantity for a specified symbol. :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { "u":400900217, // order book updateId "s":"BNBUSDT", // symbol "b":"25.35190000", // best bid price "B":"31.21000000", // best bid qty "a":"25.36520000", // best ask price "A":"40.66000000" // best ask qty } """ return self._get_socket(symbol.lower() + '@bookTicker')
[docs] def book_ticker_socket(self): """Start a websocket for the best bid or ask's price or quantity for all symbols. :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format .. code-block:: python { // Same as <symbol>@bookTicker payload } """ return self._get_socket('!bookTicker')
[docs] def multiplex_socket(self, streams: List[str]): """Start a multiplexed socket using a list of socket names. User stream sockets can not be included. Symbols in socket name must be lowercase i.e bnbbtc@aggTrade, neobtc@ticker Combined stream events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"<streamName>","data":<rawPayload>} :param streams: list of stream names in lower case :type streams: list :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ path = f'streams={"/".join(streams)}' return self._get_socket(path, prefix='stream?')
[docs] def options_multiplex_socket(self, streams: List[str]): """Start a multiplexed socket using a list of socket names. User stream sockets can not be included. Symbols in socket name must be lowercase i.e bnbbtc@aggTrade, neobtc@ticker Combined stream events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"<streamName>","data":<rawPayload>} :param streams: list of stream names in lower case :type streams: list :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_name = '/'.join([s.lower() for s in streams]) stream_path = f'streams={stream_name}' return self._get_options_socket(stream_path, prefix='stream?')
[docs] def futures_multiplex_socket(self, streams: List[str], futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M): """Start a multiplexed socket using a list of socket names. User stream sockets can not be included. Symbols in socket name must be lowercase i.e bnbbtc@aggTrade, neobtc@ticker Combined stream events are wrapped as follows: {"stream":"<streamName>","data":<rawPayload>} :param streams: list of stream names in lower case :param futures_type: use USD-M or COIN-M futures default USD-M :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ path = f'streams={"/".join(streams)}' return self._get_futures_socket(path, prefix='stream?', futures_type=futures_type)
[docs] def user_socket(self): """Start a websocket for user data :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.STREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.STREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket('user', stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def futures_user_socket(self): """Start a websocket for coin futures user data :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binanace API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.FSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.FSTREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket('futures', stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def margin_socket(self): """Start a websocket for cross-margin data :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.STREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.STREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket('margin', stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def futures_socket(self): """Start a websocket for futures data :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.FSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.FSTREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket('futures', stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def coin_futures_socket(self): """Start a websocket for coin futures data :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.DSTREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.DSTREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket('coin_futures', stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def isolated_margin_socket(self, symbol: str): """Start a websocket for isolated margin data :param symbol: required - symbol for the isolated margin account :type symbol: str :returns: connection key string if successful, False otherwise Message Format - see Binance API docs for all types """ stream_url = self.STREAM_URL if self.testnet: stream_url = self.STREAM_TESTNET_URL return self._get_account_socket(symbol, stream_url=stream_url)
[docs] def options_ticker_socket(self, symbol: str): """Subscribe to a 24 hour ticker info stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str """ return self._get_options_socket(symbol.lower() + '@ticker')
[docs] def options_ticker_by_expiration_socket(self, symbol: str, expiration_date: str): """Subscribe to a 24 hour ticker info stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param expiration_date : required :type expiration_date: str """ return self._get_options_socket(symbol.lower() + '@ticker@' + expiration_date)
[docs] def options_recent_trades_socket(self, symbol: str): """Subscribe to a latest completed trades stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str """ return self._get_options_socket(symbol.lower() + '@trade')
[docs] def options_kline_socket(self, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE): """Subscribe to a candlestick data stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param interval: Kline interval, default KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE :type interval: str """ return self._get_options_socket(symbol.lower() + '@kline_' + interval)
[docs] def options_depth_socket(self, symbol: str, depth: str = '10'): """Subscribe to a depth data stream :param symbol: required :type symbol: str :param depth: optional Number of depth entries to return, default 10. :type depth: str """ return self._get_options_socket(symbol.lower() + '@depth' + str(depth))
async def _stop_socket(self, conn_key): """Stop a websocket given the connection key :param conn_key: Socket connection key :type conn_key: string :returns: None """ if conn_key not in self._conns: return del (self._conns[conn_key])
[docs]class ThreadedWebsocketManager(ThreadedApiManager):
[docs] def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, api_secret: Optional[str] = None, requests_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, tld: str = 'com', testnet: bool = False, session_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): super().__init__(api_key, api_secret, requests_params, tld, testnet, session_params) self._bsm: Optional[BinanceSocketManager] = None
async def _before_socket_listener_start(self): assert self._client self._bsm = BinanceSocketManager(client=self._client) def _start_async_socket( self, callback: Callable, socket_name: str, params: Dict[str, Any], path: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: while not self._bsm: time.sleep(0.1) socket = getattr(self._bsm, socket_name)(**params) socket_path: str = path or socket._path # noqa self._socket_running[socket_path] = True self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(asyncio.create_task, self.start_listener(socket, socket_path, callback)) return socket_path
[docs] def start_depth_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, depth: Optional[str] = None, interval: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='depth_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'depth': depth, 'interval': interval, } )
[docs] def start_kline_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='kline_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'interval': interval, } )
[docs] def start_kline_futures_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M, contract_type: ContractType = ContractType.PERPETUAL) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='kline_futures_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'interval': interval, 'futures_type': futures_type, 'contract_type': contract_type } )
[docs] def start_miniticker_socket(self, callback: Callable, update_time: int = 1000) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='miniticker_socket', params={ 'update_time': update_time, } )
[docs] def start_trade_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='trade_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, } )
[docs] def start_aggtrade_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='aggtrade_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, } )
[docs] def start_aggtrade_futures_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='aggtrade_futures_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'futures_type': futures_type, } )
[docs] def start_symbol_miniticker_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='symbol_miniticker_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, } )
[docs] def start_symbol_ticker_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='symbol_ticker_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, } )
[docs] def start_ticker_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='ticker_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_index_price_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, fast: bool = True) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='index_price_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'fast': fast } )
[docs] def start_symbol_mark_price_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, fast: bool = True, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='symbol_mark_price_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'fast': fast, 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_all_mark_price_socket( self, callback: Callable, fast: bool = True, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='all_mark_price_socket', params={ 'fast': fast, 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_symbol_ticker_futures_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='symbol_ticker_futures_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_individual_symbol_ticker_futures_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='individual_symbol_ticker_futures_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_all_ticker_futures_socket(self, callback: Callable, futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='all_ticker_futures_socket', params={ 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_symbol_book_ticker_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='symbol_book_ticker_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol } )
[docs] def start_book_ticker_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='book_ticker_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_multiplex_socket(self, callback: Callable, streams: List[str]) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='multiplex_socket', params={ 'streams': streams } )
[docs] def start_options_multiplex_socket(self, callback: Callable, streams: List[str]) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_multiplex_socket', params={ 'streams': streams } )
[docs] def start_futures_multiplex_socket( self, callback: Callable, streams: List[str], futures_type: FuturesType = FuturesType.USD_M ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='futures_multiplex_socket', params={ 'streams': streams, 'futures_type': futures_type } )
[docs] def start_user_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='user_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_futures_user_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='futures_user_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_margin_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='margin_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_futures_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='futures_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_coin_futures_socket(self, callback: Callable) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='coin_futures_socket', params={} )
[docs] def start_isolated_margin_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='isolated_margin_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol } )
[docs] def start_options_ticker_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_ticker_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol } )
[docs] def start_options_ticker_by_expiration_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, expiration_date: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_ticker_by_expiration_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'expiration_date': expiration_date } )
[docs] def start_options_recent_trades_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_recent_trades_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol } )
[docs] def start_options_kline_socket( self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, interval=AsyncClient.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE ) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_kline_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'interval': interval } )
[docs] def start_options_depth_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, depth: str = '10') -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='options_depth_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'depth': depth } )
[docs] def start_futures_depth_socket(self, callback: Callable, symbol: str, depth: str = '10', futures_type=FuturesType.USD_M) -> str: return self._start_async_socket( callback=callback, socket_name='futures_depth_socket', params={ 'symbol': symbol, 'depth': depth, 'futures_type': futures_type } )